This is a post related to our Pantanal Trip.
It’s 2pm and it was now time for our second boat safari of the day. We made our way down river, just like we did earlier in the morning. But unlike the morning, we would not see any Jaguars. To fill the time between the search, we stopped to observe some of the amazing bird life.

From left to right: Yellow-chevroned Parakeet, Ringed Kingfisher, Black-crowned Night Heron, Jabiru Stork, Roadside Hawk, Cocoi Heron, Gray-cowled Wood-Rail, Great Black Hawk, Greater Ani.
We finished up around 5:35pm and would have some time to relax before dinner. Once again, I charged the batteries and copied the memory cards to ensure I don’t lose my photos. Tonight’s dinner had a variety of things including fried catfish, chicken, beef, pasta, and even Pirahna soup!