This morning begins at 7:15am with the typical snacks and coffee. We haven’t really stated how delicious the mini chocolate chip cookies are for breakfast, but they are amazing. We would take them all if there were not other guests coming. We are heading to North Seymour Island today which is home to many Frigate birds. Our morning went as usual going to the dock and making our way to the Yacht. We had a dry landing at North Seymour and started our hike. They day was overcast and therefore the lighting was not great for taking pictures. Luckily, a couple hours later the sun was out and shining down. We came across baby birds, mating Frigates, and Blue-footed Booby birds along our walk.

We made our way to the coast line of the island and saw a few Sea Lions, Brown Pelicans, and of course more Frigates.

After about an hour, we got on the tender and went along the coast line looking for nesting birds.
After our tender ride, we got to snorkel along the same coast line. The water was pretty cold and we were again thankful for our wetsuits. We saw many fish on the 45 minute snorkel. We are still editing the GoPro footage and may post a video or two in the future. It was then time for our buffet style lunch.

As we ate, the Yacht headed for Bachas Beach. This is a beautifully clean and attractive beach with Sea Lions, Pelicans, and Ghost Crabs. As we walked, we even saw the remnants of a ship wreck. Our guide explained it would be too costly and intrusive to the environment to have heavy machinery come and remove it.

This would also be where we got to see another species of Iguana, the Marine Iguana. The Marine Iguana will actually enter the ocean in search of it’s food.

Finally, before we left, we made our way inland a bit to a watering hole. We found a single Pink Flamingo resting in the middle of it. Luckily for us, it looked up to see us and we grabbed a photo.

After a long day, we were ready for dinner. I might not have mentioned this, but Pikaia Lodge rotates dinner menus every two nights. This allows guests to try multiple things, but it never gets boring as something new is always around the corner.

And finally, the Chocolate of the night.