We arrived at the airport in Barbados shortly after lunchtime. Once we cleared customs, we were transferred to our resort in a beautiful Rolls Royce.

After a short ride, we arrived at Sandals Royal Barbados.

We stayed in a room similar to the room we had loved in Grenada, the South Seas Royal Rondoval Butler Suite with Private Pool Sanctuary. The room was beautiful, but the pool was a little cold and that made it a little harder to enjoy! We had breakfast, lunches and drinks on the patio. One day, we even saw something run by right outside our fence and the staff later confirmed monkeys can still be seen running around the property!

Little birds also came to visit us on the patio and take the straws out of our drinks so they could help themselves to what was left!

While there, I decided to try some time lapse and long exposure night shots.

This property was connected to the neighboring Sandals Barbados resort, so there were lots of places to explore and restaurants to visit. We were able to visit the bowling alley on site and play a couple of games then grab a couple of drinks at the bar attached to it. There was also a gourmet donut shop which had delicious donuts each day. One night we came outside to a fireworks show!
The ocean was pretty rough, making it a little difficult to swim. We did go on a snorkel trip from the resort. We were able to snorkel in several spots, including a sunken ship which was really amazing to see. The snorkel spots were incredibly crowded with people and boats, so it was a little difficult to move around comfortably.

There are plenty of amenities and food options on the resort property. It even has a Bowling Alley!

We did run into an issue coming home. We were on the island when the Boeing 737 Max was grounded. Our flight home was on a Max and we had to decide what to do. Our American Airlines flight was not yet canceled, but we made the decision to book a new flight to ensure we could get home on time. I found a flight on JetBlue which ended up being perfect. Our flight was later canceled, so we lucked out.