The next day after my trip to Phinizy, I headed over to the Silver Bluff Audubon Center. The weather wasn’t cooperating today as the sky was very overcast.

The center has several trails through varying terrain. I found the quail trail to be the best for spotting birds. This trip I was hoping for more painted buntings, but also the indigo bunting and scarlet tanager. After making 1 lap of each trail there, I decided to go back through the beginning of quail trail again. The sun was popping out from time to time, so it would be the best chance of a decent photo.

As I made my way back I could see Red-headed Woodpeckers flying from tree top to tree top. They were very challenging to get an inflight picture. I did manage to get a few of them sitting on a branch though.

Next up, Indigo Bunting!! I found a couple flying from branch to branch. They didn’t want to stay still for too long, so I was trying to get close quickly and get setup. Here are a few of the better pics I took. I would really like to get another chance go photograph them in better lighting.

I briefly spotted a Painted Bunting, but it didn’t stick around.

I had just about giving up on finding the Scarlet Tanager. As I headed back to my car, there it was. Bright red, sitting in a tree just above me. The sunlight was good, not great, but I did end up with some usable pictures. The only problem…it was a Summer Tanager. Oh well, maybe next time.

I also snagged this pic of a Cardinal in Flight.

Cardinal in Flight